Wednesday, January 26, 2011

List of dramas/movies that I must see when I have time:
- Speedy Scandal (K-Movie)

- Paradise Ranch (K-Drama)

- 君に届け (J-Drama, already watching the anime lol)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

日本語 Test & Finals

we had our Japanese unit test todayyy
I thought I did SO well, until I realized after the test that I spelled 「どんな」 wrong! I spelled it like 「どっな」xxx
どんな means, "what kind". TT^TT
I always make spelling/slight grammatical errors because I study by saying the words out loud, but never writing them down for practice unless it's kanji =_=;;
I need to get on that. Most people in my class makes flashcards and they're not even planning to study abroad ;;
I over-estimate myself when it comes to language classes, but I think I'm improving ( /- _-)/
We're learning new kanji, too~! I think it looks pretty. It reminds me of Arabic calligraphy except instead of using swirls, it's made up of lines. 
I can write kanji alright, but my reading skills also need work :P
The way you pronounce the kanji varies with the context of the sentence. Like, the kanji 日can be read as "ni", "bi", "nichi", or"tachi".
I'm gonna go study now. The semester ends in a few weeks, so that means many, many finals ^o^

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

got all the classes I wanted!! xx
hope I can handle it tho =_=;v
must get all A's to get in that CS honor societyyyy 

Thursday, November 18, 2010


日本語は、もうちょっとむずかしいでしょう。 ( = 。 =);;
“かいて、ください。” *いいです* ( ^_ ^ )v
“よんで、ください” *どうして??ウワアアアアアアアアアア~~* ( TT 0 TT)/
じゃあ、まったねえ ~ xx

Friday, November 12, 2010

Learning Kanji (漢字)

Hi everyone~~! ^^
I'm in level one but we're learning the Kanji of numbers, months, days, and some adjectives :3
これはわたしのブログ。どうも。( ^ _ ^ )v